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Spanish Curriculum Statement

At Harefield Primary School, we deliver the Spanish curriculum, to Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, following the Languages programme of study from the National Curriculum.

Our Spanish curriculum’s intention is to inspire an ambition to travel, create curiosity about the wider worldto create global citizens who can listen to, read, write and speak Spanish and have a good understanding of the importance of learning a language. We have sourced the Language Angels scheme as this is designed by linguist experts and focuses on communicating successfully in Spanish. The scheme is interactive, pre-recorded using a native speaker for accurate pronunciation, and is linked to the National Curriculum. We can even offer remote access which would be beneficial if a further lockdown happens.

We tailor and put greater emphasis on specific themes, in response to our pupils needs For example:

  • We place greater emphasis on words and phrases that will support our pupils to communicate in Spanish if and when they visit a Spanish speaking country, giving them the confidence and inspiring them to travel further than their locality of Harefield, Southampton and the UK.

Our whole curriculum is comprehensibly planned and clearly sequenced and Spanish follows this consistent design, effectively adapting and developing to meet the needs of ALL pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs and/ or Disabilities and those that are disadvantaged.

Our Spanish curriculum is taught by the class teacher, who will first revisit prior learning. We return to previous learning, in order for pupils to retrieve knowledge from their long-term memory and build on this, with the introduction of new knowledge. This is through an approach of clear modelling and scaffolding of new concepts. The pupils will then practise applying this knowledge in a group or individual task and have opportunities to practise oral skills to communicate their ideas.

We use key CONCEPTS that are thread through our Spanish curriculum, from Yr 3 to Yr 6, in order to build on prior learning and support pupils making strong links in their knowledge, from previous learning.

Spanish Curriculum Topic Overview






I’m Learning Spanish – Aprendo Espanol (Early language Teaching Unit)


By the end of the unit pupils will have the knowledge and skills to be able to introduce themselves, say how they feel and have a wider appreciation for the country/countries where Spanish is spoken.

Fruit - LA Fruta

(Early language Teaching Unit)


In this unit pupils will learn 10 fruits and be introduced to the simple opinions ‘I like’ and ‘I do not like’. By the end of the unit pupils will have the knowledge and skills to be able to say which fruits they like and do not like in Spanish.

Vegetables - Las Verduras

(Early language Teaching Unit)


In this unit pupils will learn 10 common vegetables in their plural form with their definite articles. They will learn the basic transactional language required take part in a role-play activity based on buying different quantities of vegetables from a market stall.


Present myself – Me Presento

(Intermediate Teaching)


By the end of this unit pupils will have the knowledge and skills to present themselves both orally and in written form in Spanish. This is one of the first units where previously learnt language will be integrated with newly acquired language, encouraging all pupils to use their growing bank of vocabulary. In this unit pupils focus on asking questions as well as providing accurate replies. They will demonstrate a growing understanding of grammar to manipulate language and start to create sentences of their own using a range of personal details including name, age, where they live and nationality.

My Family – La Familia

(Intermediate Teaching)


By the end of this unit pupils will have the knowledge and skills to make a presentation about their own/a fictitious family in both spoken and written form in Spanish. Pupils will start to integrate previously learnt language with newly acquired language, encouraging more confident use of their growing bank of vocabulary. Pupils will demonstrate an increasing knowledge of grammar and the use of the possessive in Spanish to manipulate language, thus starting to create more personalised responses as the unit supports the change from 1st person singular to 3rd person singular.

My Home- Mi Casa

(Intermediate Teaching)


By the end of this unit pupils will have the knowledge and skills to present both orally and in written form about where they live and which rooms they have and do not have in their homes in Spanish. This is a unit that focuses on recycling previously learnt grammar, using it with new vocabulary, conjunctions and grammar, demonstrating a growing ability to create independent responses.


Weather-  Que Tiempo Hace?

(Intermediate teaching)


By the end of this unit pupils will have the knowledge and skills to describe the weather in Spanish and to also present a weather forecaster pretending to be on television. This enables us to link the weather vocabulary with map work, compass points and general geography. This unit improves both language and cultural knowledge.

Café - Desayuno en el café

(Intermediate teaching)


By the end of this unit, pupils will have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform a short role-play in a Spanish cafetería. This is a unit that consolidates much of the grammar covered in our Early Language teaching type (nouns, gender, determiners and plurality) so that pupils can say and write what they are ordering to eat and/or drink using a wider range of vocabulary alongside very useful transactional language.

Healthy Lifestyle - La Comida Sana

(Progressive teaching)


In this unit pupils will learn the nouns and articles/determiners for 10 ‘healthy’ and 10 ‘less healthy’ foods, along with the 1st person singular conjugation of the high frequency verbs ‘to eat’ and ‘to drink’. By the end of this unit pupils will be able to say what they eat and do not eat, and drink and do not drink to stay healthy. They will also learn the language for a variety of physical activities and will be presented with a healthy recipe. Pupils will be able to create more detailed and personalised responses by the end of this unit in the foreign language.


Clothes – La Ropa

(Intermediate teaching)

By the end of this unit pupils will have the knowledge and skills necessary to describe what they are wearing in Spanish. This is a unit that brings together much of the grammar covered in our Intermediate teaching type (nouns, gender, determiners, plurality, possessives, adjectival agreement, 1st person conjugation) so that pupils can say and write what they are packing in their suitcase for a holiday.

Regular and Irregular verbs - Los Verbos Regulares and Irregulares

(Progressive teaching)

Regular verbs - In this series of six explicit grammar lessons pupils will focus on personal/subject pronouns and verb stems before learning how to conjugate regular verbs in Spanish.

Irregular verbs - In this series of six explicit grammar lessons pupils will focus on personal/subject pronouns before learning how to conjugate four high frequency irregular verbs in the foreign language. To have, to be, to go and to do.

For more information on what your child will be learning in Spanish, please go to Curriculum/ Yr R to Yr 6 Curriculum Newsletters for the appropriate term.


Language Angels- (E) = Early language unit, (I) Intermediate Language Teaching, Progressive Language Teaching (P)