How we teach English
English Curriculum Intent
At Harefield Primary School we have developed a ‘reading into writing’ curriculum that teaches all children key skills, concepts and attitudes and develops their knowledge and understanding of English that are outlined in the National Curriculum.
The intent of our curriculum is to:
- Provide all children with a well sequenced English curriculum that builds on knowledge and skills as children progress through the school.
- Increase children’s confidence, enjoyment and ability in reading, writing and communication.
- Promote a love of reading and writing whereby children want to read and write spontaneously with enjoyment.
We teach skills through the following areas:
- Spelling (including transcription)
- Handwriting (including transcription)
- Spoken language – developed through the whole curriculum - cognitively, socially and linguistically, which underpins reading and writing development.
- Reading - phonics, word reading and comprehension (listening and reading).
- Writing – composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech and writing), vocabulary, grammar and punctuation
For more information on our English learning journey and content please see below: